What are the different designs of wallpapers

People prefer to put wall paper either at office or at their home to maintain the decorum of the place. To make the place look good and decent people usually put paint to the walls. However there are people who may not want to invest more amount in painting the walls. They may also want to give a different look to the walls. Hence they would opt to put wall paper to the walls. In Singapore wallpaper designs are very famous. People keep wall papers at home and in different designs as per the layout of the house. Homes are in different models and they are designed as per the needs and requirement of the client. Hence if people would like to put wall paper to their home wall then the first thing is to take the measurement of the walls to understand the length and width of wall paper which is required to put on the wall. Off late wall papers have started becoming very popular because of the design and the look and the final outcome when the wallpaper is on the wall. People like the complete set up of the house when the wallpaper is put. The designs which are available in different materials is very easy to use and to maintain. People can opt to put floral designs or bricks and stones designs or whichever they feel pleasing for them. The colours are so elegant and sober that the complete look of the house changes. Even without changing the interior if people just change the wallpaper also it gives a different and beautiful look to the house.The wallpapers are durable but will have to remember that if they are put in the kitchen they may peel off due to the heat as the wall gets humid.

designs of wallpapers

Let’s see why people would prefer wallpaper vs paint:

  • Wall paper is reasonable when compared to paints.
  • We can put designs of wall paper but it is difficult to do the same when it comes to paint.
  • Wall papers are easy to put as they simply need to be pasted.Painting would be a tedious job and time consuming process.
  • There is not much of maintenance required for wall paper as they can easily be washed.Painting would need maintenance and in case if there is any stain on the wall it would difficult to get rid of the stain.


Walls are important part of the house. Walls have to be decorated accordingly to the choice of the people who stay in the house. People may either prefer to paint the wall or use a wallpaper which is more unique and durable.